- Reed Union School District
- Emergency
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In the event of an emergency, the District must be able to reach parents as quickly as possible. RUSD will alert parents with both a voice message and/or text message or email of any emergency or time sensitive information. Therefore it is extremely important to make sure your child’s school is notified immediately of any change in contact information.
Use the links below to contact your child's school:
Reed School: 415-435-7841
Isabelle Moattar imoattar@reedschools.orgJuli Tantum jtantum@reedschools.orgScout Smit ssmit@reedschools.org
Del Mar Middle School: 415-435-1468
Laurie Kristy lkristy@reedschools.org
Lisa Grinnell lgrinnell@reedschools.org
General Emergency Information
It is everyone’s hope that there will never be a need to enact the following emergency procedures. Being prepared in the event of an emergency or disaster is a responsibility the District has to the students and families of our community, and is a responsibility that is taken very seriously. Thank you for taking the time to review this emergency information and these emergency procedures.
The Reed Union School District schools are well prepared to deal with emergency situations. A detailed Safety Plan is in place for staff to follow, identifying the procedures to follow in a variety of emergency situations. Teams are established to deal with issues such as first aid, light search and rescue, food, water, and sanitation. Staff members have been trained and drills are scheduled throughout the year. A site Safety Committee meets regularly to review procedures, plan trainings, and check supplies.
The PTA has worked hard to stock the classroom emergency backpacks and the emergency bins, located on each campus. The bins contain first aid supplies, blankets, light search and rescue tools, student release information, food and water, etc. Parents at Reed and Bel Aire have been asked to provide a personalized “Comfort Kit’ for their child at the beginning of the year. Ideas for personalization include a simple note (“I love you.”), a family or pet photograph, a non-perishable snack, and a small mind-occupier, such as stickers, note pad, pen, puzzle, or small toy. The emergency bin has some books and games.
If there is an emergency during the school day, the safety and well-being of the students will be the highest priority. Staff members are required by state law to serve as emergency workers, and a sufficient number of staff will be on site to care for students, no matter how long it takes to reunite students with their families or designated release individuals. The students will be sheltered in the classrooms, if possible. If it is determined the buildings are unsafe, the students will be supervised on the grass fields. Students will only be released from school following strict procedures, which are outlined below.
Students can only be released to those individuals designated by parents/guardians. Please give careful consideration to those you specify for this purpose on the emergency release form. This is particularly important for parents who work outside of Tiburon. If a parent cannot reach the school because of highway or bridge damage/closure or other reasons, the person designated for emergency release may need to provide comfort and care to your child for an extended period of time.
Specific procedures, as described below, are established to maintain a safe and secure environment during what will likely be a very stressful time. The school will make every effort to contact the parents of any seriously injured students first. All parents and those authorized for emergency release will be asked to follow the direction of staff and volunteers. Parents with special skills, such as medical or CERT training, are asked to notify staff of their availability to provide emergency assistance. While it can be anticipated an emergency situation will be stressful for all involved, we ask that all individuals remain calm and patient. It is truly in the best interest of every child that all adults present in emergency situations are patient while cooperating with established emergency procedures, in spite of what will certainly seem to be an interminable wait to be reunited with family.
To Prepare for an Emergency:- Keep the information for emergency contacts at the school office up-to-date.
- While choosing friends and family authorized to pick up your child in case of an emergency, consider the following: Will my child feel safe with this family and in their home? Is this family aware of my child’s medical or other needs?
- Designate an out-of-state contact for family emergency information.
- Notify the authorized individuals listed on your child's registration form that you have granted them authorization for pick up in the case of an emergency.
- Alert them of any special medical or dietary requirements your child may have.
- Let your child know who may make the pick up at school if you are unable to do so.
Keep a copy of the names and phone numbers of individuals who are authorized to pick up your child and any other necessary emergency information in your home, car, and office.
IN THE CASE OF AN EMERGENCY (including power outages)
Please do not call the school.
Listen to local radio for information:
KGO 810 AM
BEAR 840 Belvedere Disaster Information
PGU 1330 AM Corte Madera Disaster Information
Students will only be released to authorized individuals after they present proper identification. Try to walk to school instead of driving, as Tiburon Blvd. and surrounding streets will be very congested and emergency vehicles will need access. If it is necessary to drive, please do not park on any street adjacent to the school. Do not park in any school parking lot. At Reed School, do not use Kleinhert Way, and at Bel Aire School do not attempt to use the driveway, as these areas are reserved for emergency vehicle parking and turn-around space. Lives may depend on adequate access by emergency vehicles and personnel. Please follow directions for the Check-In Table While in line, you will be asked to complete the "Student Request Form."
At the Check-In Table, identification and authorization will be verified. Once the authorization is processed, a runner will be sent to retrieve the student. Parents/authorized individuals will then proceed to the Check-Out Table. The runner will bring the student to the Check-Out Table to be released to the parent/authorized individual, along with any other students the school is authorized to release to that person. The parent/authorized individual’s intended destination, phone number, departure time, and signature will be recorded. To help reduce traffic congestion, you will be asked to please leave the campus immediately after students have been released to you.