- Reed Union School District
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About RUSD
Page Navigation
- About RUSD
- Contact Us
- Emergency
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan
- Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Annual Update
- Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and LCAP Federal Addendum
- Local Educational Agency (LEA)
- Marin County Office of Education
- RUSD Comprehensive Safety Plan
- SARC/State Reports
- Strategic Plan 2024-2030
Our objective is for this website to be as user-friendly and informative for our parents and community as possible. While it is a work in progress and we are still developing some areas, your feedback is always appreciated. Did we miss anything? Could we do anything better? We would like to hear from you!
In addition, any questions or concerns, or anything that you would like to bring to the District's attention can be submitted at the following link.rusdsuperintendent@reedschools.org
District and School Office Contact Information
RUSD District Office
277 A Karen Way
Tiburon CA 94920
Phone: 415-381-1112
Fax: 415-384-0890Superintendent: Dr. Kimberly McGrath kmcgrath@reedschools.org
Superintendent's Assistant: Keith Woodard kwoodard@reedschools.org
Administrative Assistant: Sharon Simontacchi ssimontacchi@reedschools.org
RUSD Business Office
277 A Karen Way
Tiburon CA 94920
Phone: 415-383-1116
Fax: 415-384-0832
Chief Business Official: Dr. Chris Kim ckim@reedschools.org
Payroll Accountant: Kathy Bauer kbauer@reedschools.org
Payables/Receivables: Charlesetta Smith csmith@reedschools.org
Reed Elementary School
1199 Tiburon Blvd.
Tiburon CA 94920
Phone: 415-435-7841
Fax: 415-435-7853
Principal: Dr. Mary Niesyn mniesyn@reedschools.org
Executive Secretary: Isabelle Moattar imoattar@reedschools.org
School Secretary: Juli Tantum jtantum@reedschools.org
Bel Aire Elementary School
277 Karen Way
Tiburon CA 94920
Phone: 415-388-7100
Fax: 415-388-7176
Principal: John DiCosmo jdicosmo@reedschools.org
Executive Secretary: Lora Nazarian lnazarian@reedschools.org
School Secretary: Sayaka Prestia sprestia@reedschools.org
Del Mar Middle School
105 Avenida Miraflores
Tiburon CA 94920
Phone: 415-435-1468
Fax: 415-435-6190
Principal: Chad Stuart cstuart@reedschools.org
Assistant Principal: Michael Song msong@reedschools.org
Executive Secretary: Laurie Kristy lkristy@reedschools.org
School Secretary: Lisa Grinnell lgrinnell@reedschools.org