Hour of Code is December 5-11, 2022!
Hour of Code
What is the Hour of Code? |
What Most Schools Don't Teach |
Great iPad Apps (Free) for Grades K-2
Bee-Bot |
Daisy the Dinosaur |
CodeSpark Academy |
Kodable |
Lightbot: Code Hour |
Scratch Jr. |
Great iPad Apps (Free) for Grades 3-5
Scratch Jr. |
Lightbot: Code Hour |
A.L.E.X. |
Cargo-Bot |
Tynker |
Khan Academy |
Great Online Programs (Free) for Learning Block-Based Programming
Code.org: Lots of great activities here!
Scratch: Animate your name, design a holiday card, or create a pong game with Scratch.
Lightbot: Solve puzzles with programming logic with Lightbot (flash required)..
Tynker: Code in a gaming environment with Tynker.
Great Online Programs (Free) for Learning Keyboard-Based Programming
Khan Academy: Learn Javascript (using text code) with Khan Academy.
Codecademy: Learn to code using popular languages like Python, Ruby, JavaScript, or HTML in Codecademy.
Sonic Pi: Use code to compose and perform music in Sonic Pi (download required).
Bel Aire's first Hour of Code in 2013, over 53 students spent their lunch coding!