Frequently Asked Questions
My child says (s)he completed their IXL, but it shows up in Google Classroom (and ALMA) as not turned in/missing. What could be going wrong?
When teachers check for completion on IXL assignments, they log into their own IXL account. Unfortunately, Google Classroom and IXL do not talk to each other. SO, in Google Classroom, after a child has completed his/her IXL topics, they DO need to click "mark as done." ~ With G.C., a child can complete something and forget to mark it as done - and sadly, they can also mark something as done without having completed it. It is a GREAT tool to see what work has been assigned. However, ALMA is actually a better measure of what has TRULY been completed.
Another possibility is that your child was not logged into their IXL account when working on IXL. They should always be able to see their name in the top right corner if properly logged in. For help getting into their account, they can ask a friend, go to the tech office, or see their teacher.
Yet another possibility is that your child did not complete their IXL assignments on time. If made up late, they need to email their teacher telling him or her, their missing assignments are complete. The teacher has to manually go in and check because, unlike Google Classroom, IXL does not notify the teacher when completed.
How long should my child be spending on his/her MATH HW each night?
The length of time varies due to several factors. Often there is time at school (at the end of class or during an academic advisory) to work on homework, which would certainly lighten the load on some days. Typically, we recommend the following: For IXL (per day), no more than 20 minutes at a time for 6th graders, 25 minutes at a time for 7th graders and 30 minutes at a time for 8th graders and Algebra students. The workbook work should take about the same amount of time. So, sixth graders would have approximately 40 minutes of homework assigned per night, seventh graders would have 50 minutes and eighth graders would have an hour. Recall that homework is given three times per week (Mon., Tues., & BLOCK DAY) and that IXL is a weeklong assignment. EVERY CHILD IS DIFFERENT, so if you need more clarity, please reach out to your student's teacher.
What tools should we have on hand in our home to support the math program?
We suggest having a ruler (with both inches and millimeters/centimeters) and a scientific calculator in addition to the "basics": a pencil, scratch paper, and perhaps some scissors and glue.
My child is finding the mathematics to be on the easy side, do you have any recommendations for challenge/enrichment?
- Are you ready for more?
- Students can go to 90 or 100 on IXL
- Students can visit different IXL grade levels
- Khan Academy
- Math Club - 7:30am Thursdays
What are some simple ways I can support my child with their math at home, and do you recommend any sites on the Internet for this purpose?
Khan Academy
Do you recommend any math sites for remediation?
- Khan Academy
How do I receive daily notifications about my child’s math work from Google Classroom?
- Go to and click Sign In. Sign in with your Google Account.
- At the top, click Menu.
- Scroll down and click Settings.
- Next to Receive email notifications, click the switch Off or On.