Breakfast and Lunch
Reed Union School District is partnering with LunchMaster to offer free meals in line with California's Universal Meals Program.
Please Note: Even with free meals, it is still important to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application. You can download the application here and submit your completed application to your district office, OR you can find a hard copy of the application at the school office. Only one application per household is needed. Completing the Free and Reduced Lunch Application may help provide the Reed Union School District with funding and qualify students for individual benefits.
Reed Elementary
Breakfast service:
8:05 AM
Bel Aire
Breakfast service:
7:30 AM
Del Mar
Breakfast service:
8:00 AM
Breakfast & Lunch FAQs
- Why did we have a change in breakfast and lunch this school year?
- What is the cost?
- Should I still fill out the “Free & Reduced” Lunch form?
- Who is our new food vendor for RUSD?
- Does my family need to place an order?
- Is unused food donated?
- Can I see the menu?
- Does the food follow federal guidelines? Can we adjust what is served?
- What time is breakfast served?
- It seems like there are some foods that the students really like and some that are not popular. How is this being addressed?
- I sent a lunch with my child, but they came home with a full lunch box and stated that they asked for a LunchMaster lunch instead. What do I do about that?