Please take a moment to review the carline procedures below. Your support will greatly help make the morning carline run safely & efficiently. Thank you!

    • Carline begins at 8:00am and closes promptly at 8:25am. Gates must close by 8:25am to ensure that students have time to walk to class while we have morning supervision. If you arrive after the volunteers close the gate, please find a safe place to park and walk with your child to the front office. 
    • Parents must remain in the car for drop off and pick up. Volunteers will assist your child getting in and/or out of the car. 
    • Students must exit and enter the car on the curbside
    • Students need to be ready to exit the car (shoes on and backpacks/totes ready) when the volunteer opens the door.
    • If your child is having difficulty transitioning to school, please find a safe place to park and walk your child to the gate or office. A member of our staff will be ready to support you and your child.