There a many opportunities for parents to be involved at Reed School. Watch for announcements asking for volunteers. Teachers and PTA members will post requests for volunteers on the following:
    • The School's Newsletter
    • The District Headline News
    •  The PTA web page
    •  RUSD District web page
    Late Arrival and Absences

    Parents: If your child arrives late, please do not go directly to the classroom. Instead, go to the main office to sign in tardy. The teachers send their attendance electronically and have marked your child absent. If your lateness was due to a doctor or dentist appointment - it is excused.

    Also, if your child is going to be absent or tardy for whatever reasons, please be sure you call and notify the office. The telephone number is 415-435-7840 or the attendance email address is: reedattendance@reedschools.org

    Holidays, Trips, etc. -
    If you know you are taking a vacation, please notify the office as well as your teacher. This will cut down on unnecessary calls to see where your student is. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.