- Reed Union School District
- About RUSD
About RUSD
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- Strategic Plan 2024-2030
General InformationThe Reed Union School District (RUSD) is an elementary district serving the southern Marin communities of Belvedere, Tiburon, and a portion of east Corte Madera. Its three school sites are located in Tiburon: Reed School - Kindergarten through second grade; Bel Aire School - grades 3, 4 and 5; and Del Mar Middle School - grades 6, 7 and 8. District enrollment is around 1,150 students, with class size averaging approximately 20 students. RUSD graduates attend high school in the Tamalpais Union High School District, as well as private schools in Marin County and San Francisco. The District Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Support ServicesRUSD schools share the services of a psychologist, a speech and language therapist, an Information Services Coordinator and assistant, part-time aides for limited English-speaking students, a part time school nurse, and a district health specialist. Instructional Aides provide assistance in the elementary classrooms at Reed and Bel Aire Schools. Each school is assigned a Special Education Resource Specialist, art, music, and P.E. teachers, as well as a technology facilitator. Bel Aire and Reed Schools have Reading Specialists to oversee intervention literacy programs and work collaboratively with the Resource Teachers in the Learning Center to provide services for all students in need. Spanish is taught in Grades 3-8. Parent-paid school bus transportation is available to and from all three sites.Community Involvement
After-school programs are available through the recreation departments in Belvedere/Tiburon and Corte Madera and through Tiburon Peninsula's Soccer League, Softball League, and Little League.
Childcare is available through the Belvedere-Tiburon Child Care Center, located on both the Reed and Bel Aire School campuses.Parents participate in PTA-sponsored activities and assist in the classrooms, libraries, and other school site locations. They also serve on the School Site Councils and the Board of Trustees. Parents, community members, and local businesses support schools through a parcel tax that provides for small class size and two bond measures to improve facilities. The parent-led Reed Schools Foundation funds Spanish, technology, art, music, physical education and site enhancements.