- Reed Union School District
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Reed Union School District (“District”) has adopted the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (“CUPCCAA”) and is seeking qualified, listed contractors for inclusion on the District’s Registered Contractors List, which will be used when the District informally bids on smaller construction projects between $60,000 to $200,000. Bid information regarding these projects will be sent to the following trade journals/organization at least ten (10) days prior to the due dates for each project bid:
Construction Bid Board (eBidboard)
McGraw-Hill Construction Dodge
North Coast Builders Exchange
If, in addition to the above resources, you would like to have your firm added to the mailing list to receive Notices to Contractors for informally bid projects, please click on the following link to submit your form: CUPCCAA Contractor Application
If you are unable to submit the form online, please submit the following information:
Name and address of firm
Name of contact person
Firm’s telephone number (and fax number, if available)
Contact email address
The type(s) of work in which you are interested and currently licensed to do (e.g., earthwork, pipelines, electrical, plumbing, painting, etc)
Class of California contractor license(s) held by firm
Contractor license number(s)
Send this information to:
Reed Union School District
277A Karen Way
Tiburon, CA 94920
ATTN: Eduardo Munoz
Or email: ckryszewski@reedschools.orgTHERE IS NO SUBMITTAL DEADLINE. Names will be added to the mailing list as they are received. For this invitation, names will be retained on the list through July 31, 2024
This is not an offer to contract. Each submittal must conform and be responsive to the requirements set forth in the notice. The District reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in receiving submittals.
Airteks All County Flooring Bartlett Tree Exports C and J Painting Carson Electric Central Valley Environment City Mechanical Cloud Electric Dave Bang Associates Dotto Glass Dryco Eds Tree serive of Marin Fire Master Hardware Tech Intrepid Electonics Johnson Controls Kenwood Fence KONE Elevator Linscott Engineering Marin Fence Mike Testa Plumbing North Bay Landscaping Pacific Waterproofing Rays Tree Service Sanchez and Son roofing TreeMasters West Coast Fire and Water ZK Painting -