- Reed Elementary
- Breakfast & Lunch Information
Parents Family Handbook
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Breakfast & Lunch Information
2022-2023 Important Breakfast and Lunch Information
- New Breakfast & Lunch Program - Here are the key points for you to know:
- This change is due to a new state mandate.
- Breakfast and lunch are free for everyone.
- The new vendor is The LunchMaster.
- The meals will be similar to Choice Lunch, but you do not have to place an order.
- Breakfast times are as follows:
- Reed Elementary at 8:05am
- Bel Aire at 7:30am
- DelMar at 8:00am
- The monthly menu will usually be published the week before the month begins so that families can look at the options and decide if they would like to pack a lunch or ask for the LunchMaster meal.
- The food will follow federal nutrition guidelines.